Tuesday, April 5, 2016

how to plant and care for rose

How to Grow Roses Using the method of media cuttings were planted in pots need a dark place to poses the growth of shoots, then sunshine diperlukan.Menanam mawardengan flower cuttings is tricky, karenatidak as easily as other flowers that can live just on pot.
how to plant roses correctly
The rose is one of the most preferred interest many people because it has beautiful colors and variegated. The beauty of the roses are in the physical form and the smell is very distinctive. If you plant it, then you must have experienced failure in maintaining the shape of the tree and jammed bungayang would not bloom again. This means to take care of you is not good and not right. Well if you want to have nice flowers, fresh and flowering, here's how untukmenanam with stek.
1. Determination first seedling stek step planting way Hiasini by cuttings in pots of flowers is to determine the seeds. Choose a rod in the center that is not a short distance of hilt.
2.You can use pots of various materials. Clay, cement, plastics or ceramics and adjust the size of pot.
3. Prepare ground move next is to prepare the soil, choose a good land for cropping media. Ground black and crumbly soil is good, it would be great if the land is a former burning.
4. Fertilizer kompos planting roses next is to prepare compost, not too much but be sure enough to measure you.
5 polybag. How stekCara cuttings that will deliver results is to select stem roses that are already old. Then cut 4 to 6 cm using a sharp cutting tool. While the media is pure land, because of the use of fertilizers it will inhibit growth of stem being on stek.
6. Polybag for displaces cuttings, use a ¼ kilo sized polybag containing soil plug roses that had been cut from the cutting process up to the middle. Make sure the depth is half of the growing media give water, and do not forget to perforate polybag by using a stick. Then put in the shade, avoid application of fertilizer to the roots exit.
7. Transfer to the media that new way planting flowers rose next is to move to a new planting medium. Terms removal is when the flower trees have grown a few leaves. Well this is when you should add fertilizer, how to move it is to rip polybag, and try not to damage the structure of land in it.
8. Soil mix on medium new way plant rose further in the mix ground on new media. Make a mixture compost, ordinary soil and give too little sand in a pot that will be the new media. This material then stir until completely flat, then insert the cuttings that had been torn polybagnya.
9. Dark places more good for save interest that has been on the move in a medium pot, then you should put it in the shade. However if you have a dark place that is not exposed to direct sunlight, then this will be better.
Thus, the shoots will quickly aroused and faster tum