Abaut me

About me and donahanzen11.blogspot.com

name: Dona image hanafi
Status: married
Address: surabaya

I am a new mother in karuniai one child with a very harmonious family, my daily activities in addition to being a housewife, I became an employee in one of aviation services in the city of East Java.

Since February 2016, I learned from my husband's Blogger, the blogging I use the name Dona hanzen, which is a combination of my name and my husband.
Why do I use the Blogger domain donahanzen11.blogspot.com
That's because the husband has always taught science sariat me to deepen religious, and coincidentally the name was still available ....

http://donahanzen11.blogspot.com for the progress of this blog.

Donahanzen11.blogspot.com also a means to build a friendship and build community by Blogger.
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